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More Human Resources: AV Tech for HR Teams

What's on your HR team's audiovisual wish list?

Conference Room AV NYC

From our 4-Word Thinking Series: small doses (four, to be exact) of AV tips, trends, terms, and tech.

Responsibility for employee engagement, wellness, and the workplace experience finds HR quickly rising as an influencer on the types of audiovisual systems and spaces we’re outfitting. Are these 4 on your HR team’s wish list?

#1 Digital Reception. Properly welcoming employees and visitors to the office environment has never been so crucial. Dynamic content delivered via a networked digital signage player, large format display, and audio system provides the ideal vehicle for a brand’s first and ongoing impression. Add on the ability for HR to create and share their curated messaging via an easy to use content management system.

#2 Town Hall. Keeping all employees engaged & informed is simplified via a town hall AV system, complete with displays, video conferencing, audio system, content sharing, and recording & streaming. Both in office and remote employees feel connected as one unified audience regardless of location, able to hear and see the company’s latest updates and participate equally in the conversation.

#3 Amenities. AV-enhanced employee lounges, fitness centers, outdoor areas – all with capacity monitoring & alerts – add to HR’s ability to enhance the employee experience.

#4 Divisible Room. Space flexibility is key, providing multiple use scenarios for HR’s needs, all with AV capabilities. Without the need for support, HR looks to combine or divide rooms depending on number of attendees and usage – training, group interviews, HR initiatives – with an intuitive control solution to accomplish.

Ready to support your HR team with more human-centric AV systems? Let's connect »

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